Kay's Furniture Repairs + Restorations!!

Kay's Furniture Repairs + Restorations!!


Hi Kay!! Here is a breakdown of each piece of furniture with an individualized price that includes materials, labor and transport costs.

Please let me know if this works for you and if everything looks good!

INDIVIDUALIZED SERVICES// includes services material, labor of repair + restorations and transport costs.

Dining Table - $850.00

Chairs -$350.00 ea. (6)

Cedar Chest -$450.00


(includes materials, professional repair and restorations, and transport.)

Please feel free to ask me any questions of adjustments you would like to make and thank you again for this opportunity and for trusting me to repair these important keepsakes!

** please let me know if you’ll need the photos I took of damaged furniture for any records you might need or keep.**

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